Monday, March 15, 2010


Welcome to my new blog! I really am going to try and post often!

I've been living in my new place for 2 weeks now - and so far so good. And the 10 minute commute to work is really nice! I am living with 2 other girls who are both LDS, and just a few years older than me. One is working, the other is in school. None of us are home much, but they both seem really nice and like we will all get along. Once I get some things hung on the walls, and a bit more unpacked, I will post some pictures!

why does loosing an hour for day-light-savings screw everything up so much?!!



  1. Yay for a new blog! I love the picture of you in San Fran...that's a fantastic scarf! I need to sport the scarf more often.

  2. Yay! Anything new is always fun- new blog, new place- it's refreshing, isn't it? By the way, where's the new place?
